Vijay Masharani


Apparition, graphite, colored pencil, conté crayon, 14” x 10”, 2024.

Untitled, graphite, collage, colored pencil on paper, 40 1/2” x 48”, 2025.

Slit, graphite, colored pencil, conté crayon on paper, 14” x 10”, 2024.

Untitled, graphite, colored pencil on paper, 14” x 10”, 2024.

One world or none (Epiphany Cut), graphite, pen, colored pencil on paper, 28 7/8” x 23”, 2023.

Looking Away, oil pastel, graphite, colored pencil, collage on paper, 26” x 40”, 2023.

Traversal, graphite, conte crayon, and colored pencil on paper, fabric, 16 1/4” x 20 1/4”, 2023.

Delirium backslide, graphite and colored pencil on paper, 22 3/8” x 29 3/4”, 2023.

Glimpsed World, graphite, pen, conte crayon, colored pencil on paper, 14” x 10”, 2023.

Stand up and walk away frames, graphite, pen, and laserjet print on paper, 39 3/8” x 27 1/2”, 2023.

Puncture (people prefer to be with their own), graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2023.

Untitled Prayer Drawing 16, pen on paper in double-sided aluminum frame, 11 3/4” x 8 1/4”, 2022.

Untitled Prayer Drawing 18, pen on paper in double-sided aluminum frame, 11 3/4” x 8 1/4”, 2022.

Four studies of the artist’s burn (epidermalized text), graphite on paper, 12” x 9”, 2022.

Not so recent wound, graphite on paper, 12” x 9”, 2022.

Splits, graphite on paper, 12” x 9”, 2022.

Amazon juice (I want a smoothie), graphite on paper, 12” x 9”, 2022.

Vortex Ladder Landscape, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2021.

Cynegetic, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2021.

District, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2021.

Rooftop scene, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2021.

Barn scene, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2021.

Factional strike, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2019.

Security is a government job, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2019.

Ski lift accident, graphite on paper, 9” x 12”, 2018.