Good Attack, single channel video, r/t 19 minutes, 2021.
Installation view, “But looking back, ah never!” at Cherry Hill, Cologne.

Installation view, “Permanent Water” at hatred 2, Brooklyn.

For the Center for Experimental Lectures, curated by Zoey Lubitz and Gordon Hall.

Nervosism, stammer, b-b-buh-bye, single channel video, r/t 2 minutes, 2021.

Thunder scene, single channel video, r/t 1 minute, 2021.

Lattice (Omonoia Nicosia), single channel video, r/t 16 seconds, 2021.

Good Attack, single channel video, r/t 19 minutes, 2021.

Command | Plea, single channel video, r/t 4 minutes, 2021.

Installation views, “Triage” at Clima, Milan.

Installation views, “#38: Gas, Honey” at Museum Gallery, Brooklyn.

Installation view, “#38: Gas, Honey” at Museum Gallery, Brooklyn. Also pictured: Raza Kazmi, Sponge.

Carpe diem, mini projector, tripod head, video loop, foamcore, hardware, 2019.
Installation documentation, “#38: Gas, Honey” at Museum Gallery, Brooklyn.

Installation view, “SUPERHOST” at Foothold / Like A Little Disaster, Poligano a mare, Italy.